Parking in Uptown Westerville

Finding the right spot

Church of the Messiah


Uptown Westerville Parking Lot Aug. 6, 2014

Parking lots across from Church of the Messiah

Don’t mind a little walk? There are almost always parking spots across the street from Church of the Messiah on North State Street. Almost always. It’s a small walk from any of these spots to Uptown. One block to Old Bag of Nails Pub and Morgan’s Treasure. Half of the next block to A Gal Named Cinda Lou and Middlefield Bank. At the end of the block is Graeter’s and Westerville Antiques.  The lot with the most spots is along Home Street across from Haywood Alley that connects Home to East Main and to College Ave. Also, just across Home Street is a small city lot with about 12 spots.

City Hall Parking

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The lot behind City Hall begins at College Avenue and runs to the small alley adjacent to the police station that connects to State Street. Look for reserved parking signs near the police station as these spots are for police vehicles. The parking lot behind City Hall is more empty after 5 p.m. when the city offices close. Again, a short walk to Java Central, Westerville Grill, and Jimmy V’s with Good Vibes Winery at the corner of State and College. A new lot with electric vehicle charging has parking spots. This lot is located parallel to city lot and along the First Presbyterian Church of Westerville.


Behind Graeters and the Holmes Hotel


The parking lot between Main and College has 38 parking spots in the main section and 22 spots in the overflow section that connects to North Knox Street. The lot is accessible from East College and Main Street. Main Street can be busy during morning and evening commutes. Be careful and patient.


There are few parking spots on Main Street. Most are in the residential section past the parking lots and connecting alleys. Immediately on the left off State Street are unmarked spots designated loading zones for parts of the day. These are use for deliveries and to-go orders for the restaurants along the street. Check the signs for restrictions. Main Street is one-way east. Behind Old Bag of Nails Pub is a lot with about 25 spots. Some closest to the buildings are reserved for businesses and people who live in the second floor apartments. On the other side of Main Street are two lots and Haywood Alley with several spots along the alley.


There are no parking spots on west Main Street but there are two parking lots and an alley that lead to parking. On the north is Guitner Alley, one-way access to a a lot with 24 spaces. The alley leads to West Home Street. The lot does not allow overnight parking. On the south is a large lot extending to College Ave. About halfway into the lot on the right is an adjacent lot for overflow parking. If you travel completely through the lot you arrive at College Avenue with some on-street parking and the large lot behind city hall. Don’t park in front of the trash receptacles.


  Click for larger image of Haywood and Guitner Alleys


Haywood Alley

Haywood Alley runs from Home Street to College Avenue. It is one-way from Main Street to College Avenue. There are parking spots along the two-way section from Home Street to College Ave.

Guitner Alley

  Guitner Alley is a one-way road running from West Main to west Home Street. It has a small lot near the entrance. The lot does not allow overnight parking.


  Slaughter Alley has parking behind Westerville Florist and connects to the south of Slaughter with several parking spots.

State Street - 3C 62 parking spots on State Street There are 26 parallel parking spots on the east side of State Street with 36 on the west side. Parking along the east side of State Street runs from in front of the Old Post Office, now part of the police department, across from City Hall to just past Home Street across the street from Church of the Messiah. Parking on the west side of State runs the same distance but has a few more spots in front of City Hall extending to just past the Westerville Grill. State Street spots frequently open up as shoppers and visitors leave so don’t give up too quickly. City parking rules limit parking in these spots to four hours. State Street is Ohio Highway 3C named for its early use as a connector from Cincinnati through Columbus to Cleveland. State routes have very specific rules for traffic and road use that may affect your travel.  
Main Street Parking   Limited parking on Main Street The only parking spots directly on Main Street are east of State Street in the neighborhood. There are few of them with several parking lot much closer.


west-main-street   There’s no on-street parking on Main Street west of State Street. There are two large lots and direct access to several other lots from Main Street. On the left On the left, just pass the entrance to the drive-thru window for Middlefield Bank, is the entrance to a public lot. About halfway into the lot on the right is an adjacent lot for overflow parking. If you travel completely through the lot you arrive at College Avenue with some on-street parking and the large lot behind city hall. Don’t park in front of the trash receptacles. On the right On the right, accessible from the one-way alley, is a lot with a limited number of spots. The parking lot behind Morgan’s Treasure, Buckeye Brewcraft, and adjacent to the Westerville Visitor’s and Convention Bureau has limited space. Most of it is private parking for the businesses. Further down main Street are lots that belong to Otterbein University. It is best to avoid these lots with the exception of the few days a year when school in not in session. Even then, its parking regulations may be enforced.
east-main-streetimages Main Street east is one-way from State Street. Parking on the left side of Main Street is restricted during certain hours for deliveries and for the convenience of takeout customers of the restaurants. Please check the parking signs for specifics. On the right, behind Old Bag o’ Nails is a public parking lot. Note that the spots immediately behind the buildings are reserved for businesses and people who live in the upstairs apartments. Just past this lot, across the street on the left are several parking lots with a number of unreserved spots. The alleys There two alleys near these lots. The alley behind Old Bag o’ Nails is one-way south exiting at College Avenue where there are several lots. The two-way alley on the left leads to Home Street where there are two large lots almost always with empty spots. It’s a short walk to Uptown, a little over one block depending on where you park in the lot. Remember when you leave that Main Street is one-way east. Use the alleys if you need to get to State Street.
west-college-ave   east-college-ave We’re working on these details. Use the contact page if you need information soon.
City Hall Parking

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The lot behind City Hall begins at College Avenue and runs to the small alley adjacent to the police station that connects to State Street. There are about 75 spaces in this lot. Look for reserved parking signs near the police station as these spots are for police vehicles. The parking lot behind City Hall is more empty after 5 p.m. when the city offices close. Again, a short walk to Java Central, Westerville Grill, and Jimmy V’s with Good Vibes Winery at the corner of State and College. Note: This lot is scheduled for construction with major changes to the number of spaces, the connector extending to Park Street, and additional green space behind city hall. There are plans for a two-level parking garage but it has not yet been approved.  

More Parking Ideas This is a new feature of Shop Uptown that we hope will make it easier for you to find the closest parking spot with the least amount of trouble. Use the Uptown Westerville Contact Page to let us know about parking problems and solutions. The city has development plans for additional parking spaces and lots but we need your input. The recent planning meetings suggested upgrading the alleys and rebuilding the parking lots for easier access and use. The lot behind city hall will be the first major change in existing parking. Recently the Church of the Messiah lot that once was the NAPA dealer was paved and lined for parking.