Rock the ‘Ville in Uptown
Uptown Westerville will turn into a rock’n venue!
There’ll be great fun for young and old as the streets of Uptown celebrate the arts on the last weekend before school starts. That’s Saturday, August 10 from noon until 9 in Uptown Westerville.
- Music – The soul of the event! – Rock, country, jazz and blues will fill the streets of Uptown. Two major stages and in house venues will provide entertainment not to missed!
- Dance – Local dance groups will share their students’ amazing “feets”! Come and be dazzled by artistic performances!
- Chalk ART – Kids young and old are invited to purchase a square and takechalk to create art. (Chalk will be provided.) Cost to participate is $10 per square. Alsoprofessional artists will showcase their talents as they compete for money prizes.
- Sculpture – Greg Butauski and his team at “Art the Experience” will dump 2 tons of sand on a spot in Uptown and impress viewers with an astonishing creation. The process will take 6 to 8 hours to create a 4x4x4-foot sand sculpture!
- Fashion is art! – See live models stroll the streets wearing vintage and current fashions available for purchase right in Uptown Westerville.
- Spoken Word – Storytellers and poets will share their art of the spoken word. Watch for pop up stages and venues around Uptown Westerville.
- Authors & local artists – Come listen to authors read from their works and be able to purchase their books. Meet local artists. See their artwork at participating Uptown stores.
- Groove U – Singers, songwriters, musicians, and fiddle players step into a portable recording studio for a professional look at what makes a successful recording artist. See if your work is best in a radical new contest.
Applications and Sponsorship
Family or Individual Sidewalk Block Application (pdf)
Professional Artist Application (pdf)
Sponsorship Details (pdf)
Rock the ‘Ville
- Saturday, August 10, 2013
- Noon to 9 PM
- Uptown Westerville