Come Home For The Holidays!
Celebrating an Old Fashioned Christmas in Historic Uptown Westerville
Ice Sculptures and Sculptors in Uptown For The Holidays
Saturday, December 20
See holiday carved ice sculptures created by our favorite frozen sculptors “Rock on Ice”.
The carvings will be in front of different businesses so stroll around Uptown to see them all.
Check in front of Amish Originals, Buckeye Brewcraft, A Gal Named Cinda Lou, Good Vibes and Grandfather Clock Company before looking for any others.
Included in the afternoon of frozen delights is an interactive “Autograph Ice Block” where as many as 200 families are invited to put their name on a block of ice and then later take it home. Check the patio at Jimmy V’s. from 1 to 3.
And, watch for Santa who will surprise shoppers with candy and treats in the afternoon. He’s tricky about where he’s going to be so take your time and look for him with his elves.
Progressive Christmas Concert
Friday, December 12, 6:30-8:45pm
Enjoy sights and sounds of the season as three Uptown Westerville churches each host a 25 minute concert featuring choirs and other music.
Caped guides with lanterns will lead participants from one church to the next (van transportation is also available).
Participating churches include First Presbyterian on W. College Ave., Church of the Master at Grove and Main Streets and Church of the Messiah on N. State St.
Tickets are $10 for adults (high school-aged and younger are free) and will be available at the member churches of the Westerville Habitat Partnership, the Westerville Visitors & Convention Bureau and at the door before the first concert.