9/11 Heroes Run honors fallen
Active duty US Marine Justin McCulley and his four-year-old daughter, Lilyin, are just two of the runners in the 5K 9/11 Heroes Run in Westerville.
Active duty US Marine Justin McCulley and his four-year-old daughter, Lilyin, are just two of the runners in the 5K 9/11 Heroes Run in Westerville.
Upgrades to the football field and track at Otterbein University are almost complete with about two weeks remaining for the school’s first football game.
A brightly colored afghan stands as an advertising symbol for a pet salon at its boothon Winter Street during Fourth Friday.
Uptown Westerville is featured in 614 Magazine this month as one of the most dynamic suburbs in Columbus. It’s transformation from a sleepy, alcohol-free small town with an abundance of antique store into a culinary destination with a soon to open brewery.
Volunteer artists help create the mural on the side of a warehouse at Cellar Lumber along the bike path through Uptown Westerville. Below is a panorama showing the mural along the bike path.