by The Uptown Editor | Jul 1, 2013 | Slideshow
Buckeye Brewcraft owner Jim Downing carries an American flag to display outside his store on North State Street while one of his workers checks the paint roller he’d been using to refresh the interior of the store before its July 19th scheduled opening....
by The Uptown Editor | Jul 1, 2013 | News, Slideshow
July 4, 2013 Events Rotary 5K Run and Walk 7 a.m. – Registration 8 a.m. – Rotary 5K Run and Walk 9:15 a.m. – Rotary Children’s Fun Run 9:25 a.m. – Awards Ceremony at Rotary Amphitheater Alum Creek Park Nort, 221 W. Main St. Register...
by The Uptown Editor | Jun 28, 2013 | Feature Photo, Slideshow
People interested in preserving the State Theatre in Uptown Westerville signed up for an email newsletter to receive more information about plans for the icon of Uptown. Included in the handouts was information about and the date for the final City...
by The Uptown Editor | Jun 27, 2013 | Feature Photo, Slideshow
First of the season tomatoes made an appearance at the Uptown Westerville Farmers Market Wednesday marking the beginning of a bountiful season of fruits and vegetables throughout the summer.
by The Uptown Editor | Jun 26, 2013 | Feature Photo, Slideshow
Dave Talbot waters the flowers in front of his shop on State Street in Uptown