To the winner goes the hops

To the winner goes the hops

Buckey Brewcraft owner Jim Downing, right, explains the different beer brew kits to Brian Morganti, one of two drawing winners at the store’s recent grand opening on Fourth Friday. Morganti, a Westerville fire fighter and already a home winemaker, selected a...
Getting ready to Rock the 'Ville

Getting ready to Rock the 'Ville

Jaime Bennati creates a sidewalk chalk mural to remind passersby of Rock the ‘Ville, the nine-hour celebration of music, dance, artists, writers, fashion, and the spoken word, in Uptown Westerville on August 10. One of the days events is a chalk artist...
Chalk Paints for Uptown Edwin Loy

Chalk Paints for Uptown Edwin Loy

Amy Winter stands beside the chalkboard ad she created to hang in her store announcing the arrival of Chalk Paints at Edwin Loy Home on North State Street. Just in case you’re not familiar with Annie Sloan’s Chalk Paint, here’s a brief explanation...