by The Uptown Editor | Aug 28, 2013 | News, Slideshow
The two city parking lots on Main Street just east of State Street were closed overnight so workers could repaint the lot’s parking stripes and handicapped markers.
by The Uptown Editor | Aug 24, 2013 | Feature Photo, Slideshow
A couple walks past the blank Stated Theatre marquee after workers removed the Amish Original Furniture Company letters. Amish Originals consolidated its two stores into a single store at 38 North State Street when its lease expired and the theatre’s owners put...
by The Uptown Editor | Aug 23, 2013 | Feature Photo, Slideshow
A trio of dogs investigate an interloping pig during Fourth Friday’s Dog Daze event in Uptown. The pig was sponsored by a Delaware County animal rescue who asked for a one dollar donation to kiss the...
by The Uptown Editor | Aug 19, 2013 | Feature Photo, News, Slideshow
Otterbein sophomore Lauren Hoover uses her wheeled hassock to transport boxes of books into her dorm room at Otterbein as student begin the return for fall classes.
by The Uptown Editor | Aug 14, 2013 | Feature Photo, Slideshow
Vendors at the Uptown Westerville Farmers Market offer not only the freshest fruits and vegetables, they provide chemical-free and non-GMO produce to customers who look for more natural foods for their...