clocks-iphoneography-10-26-2014-2737It’s that time of the year when you need to turn your clocks back one hour when Daylight Savings Time ends.

Before going to bed Saturday night rewind you clock so it’s an hour earlier.

Daylight Savings Time changes at 2 a.m. Sunday morning. If you’re up then you can make the change as it ahppens. If not, do it early.

Make sure you change the digital clocks spread through the house. don’t worry about any Internet connected devices as they will automatically make the change.

Other than getting an extra hour of sleep  for a few days, you’ll now wake up to a brighter morning.

Time for a battery change

Make this the time to change the battery in all your smoke detectors. Failing to make the change might be more problematic than forgetting to change the time.